Log Laydee

The Loglaydees spend their days on the porch ruminating on the mysterious undergrowth that lies deep within the human heart...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The youngest Loglaydee in the cabin was the fine artist who produced this vision of a peculiar future or a mysterious past. Hope (age 11.5) has a unique way of looking at the world and perhaps has been a resident of these woods for longer than we thought.
Hope is a hoot hoot....

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

drought tolerant plantings

It's been a weird, hot, long summer here in Melbourne. As a result we've heard a lot of talk about how we should be making our gardens more drought tolerant, that we should be moving away from the traditional manicured front lawns of our past and replanting with native grasses, desert shrubs and succulents.
Personally, the logsters say keep your natives and stuff your succulents...
this is the type of front yardage we should be encouraging.
Excellent work Nono.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

While we were sleeping...

So this is what happens when you spend too much time inside with the pompoms waiting for bluebirds to perch upon on your window sill. It seems that the garden has gone a trifle nutso in our absence.
Luckily amongst the brambles it looks like we've managed to inadvertently grow ourselves a prime A No.1 Blue Ribbon State Fair type zucchini...
excellent work loglaydee's!

Friday, February 17, 2006

we're just waiting for the bluebirds...

Is that cherrie pie I can smell?

just in case you thought we were kidding...

we really have gone crazy for these little fuzzballs, now we're even attacking virgin skeins in order to satisfy our new found addiction...

at least its easier on the fingers than last weeks afghan craze.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

rah rah rah!

Something weird is happening in the cabin this week. The loglaydees have gone crazy with pompoms. The perfect way to use up that wool stash. We predict these wolly spheres will be attached to us all this coming winter in cheery masses. Want to know how to make them? go to


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

what's cookin'

as much as we ladies of the log enjoy your new fangled fusion food and celebrity chefs, not to mention the cooking chanel on foxtel (genius) there's really not much that can compete with the combination of a 50's yarn dye check table cloth and a white iced ring cake.

mmmmmmm delicious.

Monday, February 13, 2006

home on the range...

loglaydeesville, population us.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

synthetic fibres can be your friend

I know we are meant to embrace the 100% pure wool,cotton, silk, rag paper. whatever. give us the 70cent sheet of scratchy felt from Spotlight in Brunswick any day.

We here at the log cabin have one thing to say:

remember kids. Do not run with scissors in the house

Thursday, February 09, 2006

warm and

Fuzzy Felt - the greatest graphics tool for the new millenium. Folk it.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Festival of the Lobster, Kilcunda 2006

family funday.